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Yangon among Myanmar's "industrial™ hubs"

Release Date: June 13, 2016



YANGON (Myanmar Eleven/ANN) - The Myanmar government is urged to prioritise regions for industrial development, taking into account the availability of skilled labour, raw materials and transport networks.

The cities of Yangon, Bago, Mandalay and Sagaing have been labelled potential "industrial hubs" by Myanmar's Industry Ministry.

These cities are highlighted thanks to their location, the ministry said.

According to its report completed after a nationwide survey, the four cities possess transport facilities and relatively developed infrastructure.
Industrial growth in the cities is also expected to boost economic activities in nearby areas.

The Myanmar government is urged to prioritise regions for industrial development, taking into account the availability of skilled labour, raw materials and transport networks.

The ministry said in the report that high land prices and exorbitant costs of raw materials and production were major obstacles to industrial development in the country.

Incompetent quality control, lack of innovation, weak marketing strategies, a shortage of skilled workers, incomplete laws, poor infrastructure and limited capital also hindered industrial growth, it said.

Source: http://www.asianews.network/content/yangon-among-myanmars-industrial%C2%99-hubs-15325

Pic Source:http://www.glandfield.com.tw/uploads/ckeditor/images/factory_photo_WG1.jpg




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