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Show Daily - Second day
Release Date: May 13, 2016
Most of the exhibition visitors are the domestic buyers or dealers, and more than a few are business professionals from neighboring countries. Furthermore, the number of visitors have achieved to the highest record of history.
This afternoon, we also invited the light designer Mr. SHIU -KAY KAN of SKK Ltd. from London to hold a seminar to share the professional experience in art lighting, decoration lighting, mobile control lighting,3D printing, etc.
The participants, include in the lighting exhibitors, dealers and the potential buyers, showed great interest on the innovative design of lighting industry.
Additionally, after the workshop finished, several attendences stayed still a while to have a lively discussion.
The second and the last lighting seminar is going to hold at 10:00am on May15th, the final day of trade show.
The presenter is availble in English and Chinese speaking, and the Burmese translator will give the instant translation during all the session. It is a great opportunity to promote the positive international business progress.
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